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Importance of Silica Gel Packets

Do you have an idea of what desiccant bags for containers are? What is their main use? For many people, they might have come across silica gel packets but they never knew what they are. Due to the “Do not eat” warning on these packets, many people tend to think that these items are very dangerous. Parents have also made their children to believe that silica gel packets will lead to death. This is however a misconception many of them have which makes them throw away this valuable product.

Desiccant bags for containers can be used for different purposes apart from absorbing moisture in different packages. Some of these uses are:

1.Dry Out a Cell Phone

How bad does it feel when your expensive phone accidentally dives into the pool? You must definitely be devastated! The thought of trying to dry it using many different methods is real, but the question is, do they really work? Some may work but none would work better than silica gel packets. Once you remove your phone from water, turn it off, remove the memory card and the battery if possible. Blot all the components dry and put them in a dry bag. Add several silica gel packets to the bag and keep them for at least 24 hours. Put the phone back together with all the components and attempt to power it up.

2.Prevent your pet food

Is your Fluffy and Rover starting to turn their noses up at the kibble? Most probably, this is a sign that the food has had contact with moisture and has gone rancid. Storing the food in an airtight glass container or plastic container with desiccant bags for containers taped to the lid will do the trick. The same will work for dry snacks or cereals from going stale.

3.Freshen up Old Books

Believe it or not, silica gel packets can work miracles in freshening up old books. After scoring a first-edition favorite from your local library fund drive, the papers of the book might doubtless smell old and musty. We have magical power for you. All you will need to do is get a few silica gel packets and put them in a plastic bag together with the book. Allow them to sit for a day or two. The funky smell and the moisture with quickly disappear.


Desiccant bags for containers are readily available since most of the products we buy in boxes must have at least one if not two. Get creative and know how you can take advantage of them.

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